White Lightning Axiom: Redux: Pigeon Hole

Friday, August 04, 2006


Pigeon Hole

I made my daily trek back to the Manor a bit earlier than normal this Fabulous Friday. I had good intentions to mow the pastoral expanse but like hell, the yard was paved with SEARING HOT MAGMA! Nope. Not doing it. Wouldn't be prudent. That and I got a call from the Pleasingly Protective Parental Units of the Grand Variety. They were considering a visit provided that we had no other plans. Wellll, this was a prime opportunity for the Mrs to Escape TO New York City. Snake Pliskin, you are a wuss. She is going to go Stag and leave me back at the Manor and not feel guilty about it. Good for her. It'll give me the chance to do a bit of gardening too. Maybe I'll mow the lawn nekkid ... give the neighbors a show. Naw, Super Mom would lay into me with a hickory switch. Would be justified too. Besides, I would probably end up in the Emergency room with some manner of dismembership.

I'm thinking that it would be an excellent time to dig up a few onions and maybe haul the Grandparents to Sesame Place. You know, because all the skin has not been seared off my body. And because I got lambasted by Lei ... I'm committing to not wearing socks either.

Last night, Alexis woke up for a pee session. I was much too tired to negotiate with her and she ended up in the Good Ship Dreamy Slumber between the Mrs and I. Of course, that immediately reduced the grand liner to a warbling sloop named the 'Bruised Kidney'. Not much later, Jake bumbled in and crowded out the Mrs ... and Me shortly after that. Given that short story made long ... I'm tired and not entirely amusing. I hope to get some sleep tonight though. I'm going to hide in the basement. Probably sleep under the desk ... on a cold concrete floor. MMmmmmm ... cold.

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