White Lightning Axiom: Redux: Finally

Friday, November 11, 2005



Speaking of 'run down' ... Here I am. Friday. Sweet Friday. And by Sunday I'll be begging for Monday. Grass is greener on the other end of the week, eh? Last night, I TRIED to get some work done that was assigned to me in the 11th hour, to no avail. The machine we use for development has become an ad-hoc production machine and after 1400 hours it becomes virtually unusable. I'm trying to import a file that has all manner of errors and data set inconsistencies which in the end, needed manual editing just to pass muster. I end up leaving 30 minutes late which causes me to get to the Manor way beyond late. Jeeze, it only took 1.5 hours to get home. Nice. Teach me for trying to be goal oriented.

It's finally getting cold here. By cold, I mean that is it nearing the freezing point of water. Just about time to bring in the last of the less hardy plants. I'm not sure how they'll do inside, but abandoning them to the cruel whims of Jack Frost will certainly do them in rather quickly. I'll have to be a bit more judicious in the future when I visit the horticulture section of the Local Home Depot Temple. Just because it looks pretty does not mean I should plant it in the flower beds. No, I'll stick to the mums and bulbs from now on.

When I slunk onto the Haupertonian HQ grounds yesterday evening under the cover of darkness, I was glad to see that the Chain Saw parts had finally arrived. I pushed the UPS delivery man's motionless body off the front porch (guess the assault nano-bots got him) and scurried away to the garage/machine shop/dumping ground to inspect the booty. It was all there. The air filter, the Chain brake and the new exhaust diffusion manifold. And they fit too! It took on less than 15 minutes to reassemble the machine from the billions of disparate parts scattered about the crime-scene. Since the Parental Units are making another visit this weekend, Amish Dad will certainly want to trim the grass with it. Oh, and probably a couple trees in the back 50 as well. Hopefully, I'll be able to shake the last vestiges of this cold/flu/ebola by then.


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