White Lightning Axiom: Redux: Deadly high heating gas bills

Friday, October 07, 2005


Deadly high heating gas bills

It's not looking good for people who have had their gas shut off this summer due to unpaid bills from last winter. PGW is not allowed to disconnect service during the winter months for the elderly or families with small children.But once that service is shut off, it does not have to be turned back on until the bills are paid. That bodes ill for many on fixed incomes who just let the bills ride through the summer. Even if they do manage to get the service back on, it will certainly be shut off the following spring. Then their debt will most likely be insurmountable:It's going to be a long, cold, harsh winter. No matter what the temperature. If you have elderly friends and family in the area, I would recommend pooling resources and inviting them to stay with you for the colder months. A few months of heat is cheaper than a funeral.Let's hope that the environmental groups feel the bite of the winter before they try to strike this project down. Sometimes the alleviation of human suffering trumps the requirements for the banded stalk marsh reed.


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