White Lightning Axiom: Redux: 7th inning stretch

Thursday, October 20, 2005


7th inning stretch

So, what do you think the odds are that there will an accident on the turnpike today? Hmm? Well surprise, there was not only one, but two that I could see. You know, it would seem to me that insurance companies would levy a 100% surcharge to your rates if they found out you drove on the Turnpike. ARGH! I even went to bed early so I would wake up on time. That did not work either ... ended up sleeping till 0615. One of these days, I'm just going to take a mental-hygiene day and not get out of bed. The kids will stroll in, snuggle down between the Mrs and I ... and we will watch the tube and eat dried fruit all day. Ahhh, dreams made of pillows that hold you like your mother and sheets with more threads than fish in the sea.


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