Thursday, July 21, 2005
Nirvana wrapped in Shangrila and then covered with Heaven
I picked this up over at my bud's place, Pstupidonymous:
- The Hot-Dog-Rollup (56k cardiac arrest) by Plinkey
Warning: This should not be made or consumed by anyone with heart problems, liver/kidney disease, diabetics, anyone who is pregnant or nursing, the clinically obese, vegetarians, anyone who wants to live past 35 without having a heart attack, also anyone with any health problems what-so-ever. I take no responsibility any actions or death that results from this thread and recipe.'s just that good.
This recipe is a result of me any my roommates acquiring a grill earlier this week. We've been grilling breakfast lunch and dinner for a week straight, and the fat and cholesterol have been flowing like water leading us to the ultimate question:
What is the most delicious worst thing for a human that can be made on a grill?. This is what we came up with: The Hot-Dog-Rollup