White Lightning Axiom: Redux: urg ...

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


urg ...

Well, I'm back. More or less. It was a very active weekend. The Mrs had run off to NYC to attend a Brides Maid convention of sorts and left me with the two little autonomous disasters. It was rough for the first hour or so since Jake was not so jovial. From the first moment we dropped of the Mrs, he began chanting 'NO!' and fell into a deep and dark melancholy. Yeah, he is pretty attached to the Wife. It probably would have been better if she drove my car to the train station and left it there for the weekend, but it was not in the cards. No matter, the Grandparents and Big Little Brother arrived for the weekend shortly after 2100 hours. The kids forgot all about mommy.

The rest of the weekend was fairly exhausting. Swimming lessons went well except we neglected to bring dry 'normal' diapers along. All we had was the 50$ a pop swimmers that we swore to promptly change them out of once we arrived back at the manor. Then it was off to Perkins and later, the Herb Sale at the local state park. The playground there has a top notch jungle gym and a swingset that the kids just love. Higher and higher was their only requirements on the swings. Since they were fully-encompassing seats, it was a wish easily fulfilled. After a bit, we went off to buy some herbs and then wander down to the pond to poke as some bull frogs. The kids were completely fascinated with the gargantuan amphibians. It was difficult to keep them out of the water, but we convinced them not to get wet so they can go home and play with their new toys. The grandparents had brought down a Radio Flyer Tricycle and a doll. Alexis was keen on the doll and Jake gravitated towards the bike. Needless to say, this is making the birthday gift thing a bit hard. I'm thinking about sticking with the ant-farm idea for them. While they played and napped, Hero Dad and I worked on the vexing South Wall of the kids Twin Towers AAA and defensive position sand pit. Hard, dirty work, but it will be nice to be finally finished with it. I'll certainly need a few more tons of sand and blocks to finish, but the end is in sight.

Sunday was a little tame. I started feeling ill right about then. Some sort of virus from Alexis most likely. Nice. We went to church, I mowed the lawn, picked up the Mrs and sent the family back north. Oh, and the kids. The kids found some corn husks and a few left over cobs that I was going to toss into the compost heap. I reconsidered and put them on the lawn so I could chop them up with the lawn-mower. They found them first and decided that they would plant the corn in the sand. After a few minutes of the corn not growing, they figured that since the corn was a dud, they would feed it to the dogs. Sand and all. I've been cleaning up the dogs corn-turds off the lawn for the last 3 days. Talk about the rental properties of corn!


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