White Lightning Axiom: Redux: review

Friday, April 15, 2005



My annual review yesterday afternoon went quite well. The VP and I talked about mostly banal stuff - spring weather, exhaustion, chores, dogs, kids. Oh, and a bit about my stint at the client site so far.

got my standard inflation+1 raise and a small pep talk with minor criticism
got back and found a major project waiting for me then another hit just before I left for the day
I got my mulch yesterday - need to do that, and mow and feterlize and ...
play time went well
clean up wood with nails
pizza night - kids ate 1 slice each with no prompting.
to bed on time.
jake up at 1 and 3 ... just playing music .. forgot to turn off monitor
wife snoring made getting back to sleep rough
up a bit late ... didnt care
traffic awful, to work by 740
lots of things to do tonight, wife to pick up kids
mow, mulch, mulch


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