White Lightning Axiom: Redux: Missing time

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Missing time

If only the morning was as good as the evenings. It seems that if one goes really well, the other is doomed to an appalling state of misery and exhaustion. The S&R mission went off without a hitch and I let the kids roll in the sand for a bit after we got to the mansion. When the Mrs arrived, we loaded up the kids in the jogging stroller and I put the leashes on the hounds so we could all go out for a spin around the neighborhood. The hounds are pretty excited about this. It's been a while since they got to go out for a walk. They can be troublesome if we come across another dog or people. They just want to play and say hi so badly and keeping them in check can be difficult because of their size. Big, dumb, stupid, friendly. I like my dogs that way but for other people, seeing a 2 ton beast bearing down on you can be a disconcerting situation.

We did not encounter many people or animals on the walk and once we returned to the Manor, dinner went well. Play, bath, bed. It was all good till 0100. That's about the time that Jacob the Insomiant first started making a fuss. I was in a dead sleep but the mrs managed to hear him over my stertorous and rather loud snoring. I did wake when she dropped Jake into bed between us and he began his usual fickle dithering from parent to parent. He likes to snuggle up to you for a bit till you are just about to fall asleep and then fling off the blankets so he can go back to the other side and start the process over again. Once he was on my side again, I suggested to the Mrs that a bottle of warm might put him in the mood for a snooze. He emptied the whole bottle and indeed, did calm down. The Wandering Wife dumped the limp little form back into his bed and we thought that this was the end of our nocturnal visitations. We found that at 0300 he was up again and wailing that he could not properly operate the door to the nursery. Well, after that, the Mrs tried laying down with him on the mini-sofa next to his crib, but he just complained the whole time and wanted to sit on top of her. She then tried the futon in the guest room and he was behaved in a rather distressed manner till I came in.

It was just after 0600 and he appeared to be in a fitfull sleep. The Mrs was out cold so I had to smack her rump a few times to get her to come to. That's the only time I can get away with that kind of behavior, otherwise I get a smack right back. It hard picking yourself up off the floor when a 100 lb waif lays you low. The Woozy Wife makes her way to the shower as I tend to the dogs and kids. We still manage to get out the door before 0700 but when I call the Mrs from work, she sould like a truck has run over her ... and then backed up again for good measure. Jacob has a doctor's appt today at 1700 and the Mrs will be escorting him while I proctor the destruction that Alexis will be leveling at home. I hope that the visit goes well for both of them. Neither is in any mood for nonsense. It's like having your Ego, Id and SuperEgo replaced by two versions of a hyperactive Id and having your Ego pummeled into a subservient cowering cur.

Speaking of subservient curs, I was supposed to have my 8th year annual review today, but the VP put it off till tomorrow. In the end, it really does not matter. My raise will be marginally above inflation and I'll be asked to work on the same things that I was asked to last year. Beh. I've got another year at the Client I am at now so I don't see anything outstanding happening. It's rather anti-climatic.


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