White Lightning Axiom: Redux: dry-run

Friday, April 29, 2005



Ahhh, yet another mundane day. Good thing too since this week has sucked me dry like a 30 lb Minnesota leach on a hemophiliac Norwegian. Either I'm getting older or these 'spring duties' are taking more out of me than I've come to expect. Little things seem to get more than their fair share of attention too. Like yesterday morning, I was helping the Mrs load up the Family Tank when I noticed that the front tires looked a bit low. I ran over to the SuperSaturn to get the pressure gauge and confirmed my suspicions. Both of the front tires were low at 25 and 27 when they needed to be at 44. Now this whole song-and-dance took up about 7 minutes (including washing the brake-dust off my hands). Not much when you look at it alone, but my whole day seems to get eaten up by these little pesty tasks. By the end of the day, I'm clean out of spoons and pretty ornery about it. There are a few MAJOR things that I need to do (Finish play-area, clean out Master Suite, Refinish floors, prepare molding, put up wall paper, spec out Family room) that may not get done because of these tiny time thieves. And here I thought I was good about managing my time. Argh.

An upnote to yesterdays travails is that since the Mrs posted some pics of the kids on ofoto, I zinged off an email to Lisa (who had just recently lost her husband) and her friend Christine. Lisa works just over the Turnpike from where I sit now and we could meet up over at the Mall for lunch. It's been a while and she was interested since her meat-fast (religious dictate) was nearly over. That, and the kiddie pics were appreciated. Christine is starting to get that itch about kids and commented that she needs to find a nice white guy so she can have cute half asian kids too. Urk! Never thought of myself as merely breeding stock! Not sure if I should be offended or self confident.

Oh, and a completely bloggish note, it looks like I spun over 10,000 hits sometime last night thanks to Steel Turman who cross linked me to BMEWS. Lots of funny stuff over there. A bit of right wing/libertarian for some, but from where I stand it almost looks like a pretty comfortable place. All these posts here and I've not even made it to 1 year. Seems like I've been doing this forever, seems like I've just started.


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