White Lightning Axiom: Redux: Office space in real life

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Office space in real life

Things went well last night, as is the norm and not the exception. Not to say that the family is not exceptional or anything like that. Nope, just nothing EXTRAORDINARY or INCREDIBLE happened. The kids ate. Well, Alexis ate and Jake held his food in his mouth till it was a gooey mess. The Mrs got him to swallow eventually. Not sure what is going through is mind when he does this. We try bribing him with ice cream but he just plays with it knowing that if he wants to eat it he has to swallow what he has in his mouth. I suppose he will grow out of this, eventually. Short play time, bath and off to bed. Well actually, bath, jump on toddler beds like two manic little twisters, dress and to bed. Not sure where that last burst of energy came from, but they really burned themselves out trying to get a few more moment of frantic activity in.

The Mrs and I got some sleep since I turned off the monitor again. It's a whole new world now. No middle of the night wakings because of a malfunctioning HAM operators equipment or the interruption of a wireless phone conversation on a 1-900 line. No disembodied clicks, buzzes or other assorted anomalies to jolt me from my evening dreamland solace. As long as the kids are feeling better, I think we can do away with the electronic eavesdropping equipment. Leave it to the covert action boys in the World NOC to do that kind of thing. The morning was so blissful that I wanted to never end. The alarm went off and I was sincerely comfortable. I asked the Wife if she wanted to play hookey by staying in bed all day, but she had meetings to attend. Spoil-sport. Oh well, I'm sure that the day will hold wonders for me. We got out of bed at 0605 and managed to get out of the house by 0705. Not quite on time, but close enough. The typical bumper-sucking love-fest awaited me on the turnpike, but to a lesser degree. I remained in the left lane till I was within a few meters of the next exit, then dashed across 2 lanes to the fast lane where the traffic had started to move again. It's odd that I can do this nearly every day and save 10-15 minutes on my commute without cutting off anyone or doing anything brashly illegal. Not sure why this traffic-pattern artifact exists, but I'll use it to my advantage as long as I can. I get to the office at 0745 and begin my day with the standard reply to the various levels of fomentation I get in the post-1700 emails.


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