White Lightning Axiom: Redux: Beginning of a short week

Monday, March 21, 2005


Beginning of a short week

The waning hours of Sunday went all too quickly. After a long nap, both Alexis and Jacob seem to be in much better spirits. His ear is draining quite freely now but he does not seem to mind much. Every so often, he'll reach up and put his hand to it. When he withdraws his hand, it is usually polluted with a copious layer of discharge and we are obliged to clean him up. He is quite cooperative so long as we do not make a move to clean his ear. That is a definite 'no-go' zone for him. Dinner went extremely well. He had barely eaten anything for lunch and nary a nibble for breakfast. The plate ladened with lo meign and lasagnia noodles was just what the doctor ordered. He attacked it with such gusto and exuberance that he almost seemed to be back to his usual self! A bit of carbs in his tummy will do him a world of good. I felt bad that we had to forgo the usual Perkins Pancake Saturday morning, but I think this will make up for it. After a few hours of dinner, TV and playing around they began to show signs of exhaustion again. Bed time came late in the day, but not a moment too soon for the weekend weary parents. No, with weekends like this the weekdays look mighty tempting.

The next day was your standard Monday morning. We got up late and only managed to get up because the dogs heard our alarm clocks and were whining their fool heads off. Even after I had let them out, I needed to prod myself to full lucidity. Since it had rained last night, the grounds were fairly muddy. Cleaning each of the paws before they tracked the muck into the house was mandatory. Once we got going, the traffic was unsurprisingly awful. The up side is that the weather is going to grant us a robust 50 degree day of warmth and thus a reduced heating bill. Our last bill was 260$. Oddly enough, the temperature had been quite low over the last 30 days and had an average that was lower than that of the previous month. I did not spend the time to bring in wood this weekend so we are down to the one bracket. I guess that I should spend a few minutes doing this. We are planning on being at the Parental Outpost in upstate NY where they are still fighting through 20foot high snow drifts. Should be a fun Easter trip.


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