White Lightning Axiom: Redux: The same as it ever was

Friday, February 11, 2005


The same as it ever was

Absolutely nothing of note happened last night. Returned to the manor without doing a caffeine crash. Wife arrived and we did the evening S&R mission. Kids had their pizza (which they did not like ... takeout from now on). We played, they bathed. A book or two was read and they went to bed. Man, if all the nights were like this I could do them with one hand tied behind my back. Today, of course, is laundry day so I do have that to look forward to. That, and I forgot to shut off my emergency alarm clock from yesterday. It went off at 0500. I put an end to that nonsense pretty quickly. Traffic was very light for the time I left today so I have no complaints about the Turnpike either. There's a novelty! I guess I should start thinking about what to do for the wife for the 14th. I don't thing the wings with a bow-n-arrow on the kids will do it though. Maybe if I let her sleep in and shuttle the kids to the play room ... till noon. I'll bet that would count.


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