Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Nanny state with Zero Tolerance
One mans trash is another mans revenue stream.
- Last week, West Chester residents were hit with a flurry of warning stickers for not following the borough's new trash-disposal law.
This week they could be hit with a blizzard of citations, with fines from $25 to $1,000, as the borough continues enforcing rules on trash-can sizes, lids and placement.
- Residents who were issued warnings last week will likely be fined if they do not follow the rules this week, the borough said.
Last year, poorly managed trash at downtown restaurants was partly responsible for a rat infestation at the Chester County Courthouse, the county Health Department said.
The strict enforcement comes at an inopportune time for local Democrats trying to preserve their 6-1 majority on Borough Council. It is an election year and there are four seats up for election.