White Lightning Axiom: Redux: Bag Baby

Friday, February 11, 2005


Bag Baby

I saw this over at Toni's MyView. I've been grinding over it for some time now and have to admit that I am a little perplexed.Do you know how many people would bend every rule in the book and break some laws to get a healthy baby for adoption?! Kidnapping, arson, heck, some people have KILLED for it. There is something here that just does not sit right. I'm wondering if this is a forced abandonment or if it is another murder/kidnap where the perpetrators/animals lost the will to continue. It just does not make sense. If it is an abandonment, it might well be the best thing that happened to this child.

UPDATE: Turns out it is a hoax. The woman who rescued the baby is actually the mother. She was a bit off her kilter so this is in a way, a happier ending. She could have just dropped off the kid like Brandy says in the comments, but the mother just did not have her wits about her. On the up side, she turned the baby in with a bogus story instead of murdering the infant. The baby, by the way, is named Johnny.

UPDATE: Because the world isn't disturbing enough, there an unrelated story about this. There is something amiss in the world.

UPDATE: YES! The world vindicated itself within moments. Fetus Snatcher thwarted!


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