White Lightning Axiom: Redux: Sunday blues

Sunday, January 16, 2005


Sunday blues

Ugh, another early morning. It's 0400 and Alexis is calling me out again. I cant wait till the kids are over this particular unpleasantness. If it doesn't play out soon, the stress will weaken me enough to make me a viable target. That must be the evil plot of the virus. Argh. Just to make sure that I do not succeed in fending off said evil virus engineered by some ancient foe, an bizarre desire to pour a bottle of milk on Jake and the comforter he sat on came over Alexis. She complied. Nice. She spends the rest of the morning behaving poorly till we go to church. Then, by the Grace of God, she behaves for both the Family Mass and the eternity we are trapped in the Parking lot of Purgatory. That's the problem with arriving on time, you get parked in pretty solidly. I could park across the street in one of the business like some of my fellow parishioners, but trekking to the church with a 30lb child in tow is not something I am prepared to do as a loving parent. That, and I have and ethical problem with using the parking lot of a business that I have not intention of patronizing. Darned mid-west morality.

This morning, I had some dizziness and a bit of nausea. I thought it might be a bit of the old MS trying to remind me that it had not given up. I shook of off and went about my business. Later on, I found that I was ignoring the symptoms of a migraine. More on that later. I had a few things to do so I forged ahead. Typical stuff like restocking the wood brackets and the additional laundry that was generated by Alexis the Squirt when she gave her brother a Lactose bath. When we put the kids down, I start to realize that the grinding pain behind my left eye (ITS NOT A TUMOR, DAMMIT) is actually the migraine that the nausea and dizziness was pointing to. I chow down a fist full of pills and settle in for a nap till the kids get up. That should take care of it in due course. Outside of the other standard Sunday activities (talk to parents & brother, prepare lunches for Monday, harass hounds), the only thing of interest was that the Mrs bought Jake a new toy. It was Henry, the larger green steam engine from the Thomas series. He has apparently been asking for it for some time now. The day care set has this engine and it seems that he has established a reputation among the other train-centric children as THE Henry owner. He was pretty pleased to have his own personal Henry and played with it exclusively till it was time for his bath. Then, he would not give it up so the Mrs had to forcibly remove it from him which resulted in many tears and extensive wailing. Once the bath was over, he did get it back and would not let it go. He was going to hold on to that toy till the end of time. Or until he fell asleep. It's in his crib right now, probably under guard by heavily armed Reardon Metal Combat Droids.


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