White Lightning Axiom: Redux: Fun with snow

Thursday, January 20, 2005


Fun with snow

I love the snow. Let's qualify that ... I love the snow except when I have to drive in it at the same time that the one million moron march is in progress on the turnpike. I left early to try to beat the waves of low IQ zombies. It was only 1545 and the traffic was backed up all the way to the toll gates. Nice. All manner of inane actions were on display, too many to mention. I drove directly to the Child Detainment and ReEducation Facilities so I could get there before 1800 ... made it by 1715. Yeah, 1.5 hours for a trip that should take 45 minutes. The price of living in the NorthEast. Mommy did not do much better. She arrived home at sometime after 1845 and she only drives on local surface roads. The Punk and the Squirt were intrigued by the snowfall. I let them play about in it for a few minutes before we went inside. It was getting cold and we had dinner to get on with. Speaking of dinner, I'm thinking of all the 'Milk,bread and eggs' shoppers that will be dashing out to the stores tonight. I'm thinking that farmers (poultry, dairy, wheat) probably pray that this kind of think happens every week interspersed with 70 degree weather. The Mrs picked up 2 loaves of bread and 2 gallons of milk yesterday ... because we were out. Yeah, this will last us about 4 days because we NEED IT. Of course, we are supposed to get hit by a much bigger storm this weekend so we might be in a pickle then.

The kids eat well and as a treat, I let them watch TV just before the Mrs gets home. To be honest, if I see Toy Story I or II one more time this week, I will probably be able to recite the whole thing to you in one sitting. At least it isn't Barney. Speaking of mutant dinosaur genetics, I was surfing last night and came across a link from OOTP that I thought was pretty neat. Its a home dna test kit. What will Jerry Springer have to talk about now that this is now something that can be done without a lot of paperwork and such? I gave the Mrs a suspicious look after telling her about it. She said, that the kids act exactly like Super Mom said that I had as a child so there can be no doubt. She went on to say that if they had come out African American that I should be worried. She gave me that snarky look again and we dropped it. Touche'. I'll have the boys in the lab work on this one. See if we can link the Mrs DNA to Genghis Khan or something. Mrs Ming the merciless? Yeah, I can see that.

Yet another rough night. Jake the Punk up at midnight, ignore. Alexis the Squirt up at 0300 for an hour, ignore (mostly). Dogs up at 0500, ignore (barely). They are trying to kill me. Get me so discombobulated that I drive down the turnpike the wrong direction so they all can retire to Rio and live off my insurance benefits. Oh and the traffic this morning would have been the perfect bone-crusher for this plan. There were several accidents on the Schuylkill (sure-kill) expressway which caused a backup all the way to the blue route and then onto the turnpike. The advance of the idiots continues, unabated.


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