White Lightning Axiom: Redux: final countdown

Friday, January 14, 2005


final countdown

Ugh, another night of phlegm, snot and hacking. The wife is running late so I throw a pot of water on the stove and then run off to pick up the kids. I'm going to make her spags-n-balls for dinner tonight. No big surprises. Heck, I'll even use canned sauce and frozen Swedish meat balls so there are no surprises for her. When she arrives, the kids cheer, she eats the meal, I cheer. All happy happy, joy joy. Right? Well, except for the nebulizer of doom stuff. Alexis still hates that more than anything else. Jake, seeing her discontent, loves it more than ever. Strange, silly little man. He is apparently getting worse too. His voice sounds like a toad croak and his usually discernible vocabulary is all but unrecognizable now. After pouring gallons of medication into them, the snot contrails dry up a bit and they stop coughing every 15 seconds. I am hoping that they will both sleep through the night. I know I will be disappointed though. The script given to us by the physician's assistant was for a medication that did not have any expectorant. All it does is lower the coughing a bit, but the root cause is still the crap in their lungs and that has to come out.

Gory details: Mrs gets up at midnight to medicate Jake again, this time with the more expensive/effective expectorant. I get up at 0300 to get Alexis who is not having a good time. We give her some of the same stuff and she sleeps (between kicking my head and yanking out my armpit hair) by my side till 0715. Hmph, late again. What are the chances.

On the road, going sloooowllly. It is raining hard. Like a cow pissing on a flat rock. There is minor flooding everywhere and I'm sure that I'll hear more about it later in the day. The Philly area is not engineered to take excessive rainfall very well. One depressing thing I noticed through the gloom and melancholy, the trees in this open land on Byberry road have been cut down. They used to crowd the road like a gauntlet of fans greeting a celebrity. Their branches forming a canopy overhead, like a living covered bridge. Now, half are gone. There are a few that were too big or to angled to remove, but I'm certain that their days are numbered. This rather large plot of land is going to be yet another office complex. I would have liked to see it become more new housing, but I guess the money wasn't in it for the developers. That's a shame because by making this an office park, we will certainly see more semi trucks and the density of traffic in this already saturated location will only get worse.

Okay, I admit that this is not my most entertaining post. In fact, it is pretty dry. Cut me some slack, I'm friggen tired and my shoulder hurts. Tell ya what, I'll do another post later on and talk about my achy joints. Deal?


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