White Lightning Axiom: Redux: Last day

Sunday, November 28, 2004


Last day

Today is the day that the Horde will be given the dubious honor of commuting back from whence we came. Our family migration to base is rapidly coming to an end. Hopefully, the trip will not be the 6 hour ordeal that it was to get to Ithaca. It's an early start to the day. Jacob wakes at an absurd hour. Its sometime around 0515 and he is already complaining. I stumble down the stairs to the kitchen and warm a bottle of milk. The dogs immediately get excited at the sight of me so I need to let them out the front door so they can wreck my Parental Units' front yard instead of the carpeting. I wander back up the ominously steep and dark stairs to deftly retrieve the contentious complainer. I put him in bed with bottle and he snuggled up to mommy. It I doze off only to be woken minutes later with an empty bottle. We sleep in a bit later than yesterday, but early enough to make the 1st of two mass times that this ecumenically challenged city has to offer. To make the last day even more morose, it is raining quite briskly. A cold evil rain that is just hard enough to get through to your scalp when it strikes your head. It's odd, this rain, should be happening this morning. When we had settled down into an observation perimeter pattern around the twins, I noticed that there was a baptism, no, 2 baptisms happening this morning. Hmmm, lucky little ones, their water is heated.

We had an early dinner/lunch of turkey and 'dumplings'. I think SuperMom calls it deep dish turkey pie, but I usually loose myself in the meal and forget the name. Jacob and Alexis had some of the turkey and a bit of the rigatoni from the previous night. They seemed to have a good appetite and ate more than enough to fill their voratious little bodies. We hit the road shortly thereafter since I had already packed up the Family tank. On the road at 1330, stop for gas at Gibson, get home by 1715. ZOOM! I think I left a sonic boom at the Wyoming Valley interchange. The traffic was swift and sparse except for an accident in the north bound lanes at Lansdale. Not my problem. Got to the manor and disembarked. Unload, Unpack, Unwind. The only thing that surprised us was a message from my college buddy and best man Sean. They were expecting twins and got them a bit early. Lucy delivered a boy and a girl at 35 weeks. Boy: 4 lb, 10oz, Girl: 4lb, 8oz. They came out the day after Thanksgiving. I would blame her mom's cooking, but I think that they probably just wanted some leftovers before Sean got the all. Congratulations to the McGranahan McGran-a-horde.


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