White Lightning Axiom: Redux: Bump!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004



Last night was uneventful. I never made it out to the Local Home Depot Temple like I wanted to, but I did get out the box fan. Instead of slicing up meat, I set the fan up to point at the wood stove and cranked it up. The heated air burst out of the fireplace like a jet and brought the temperature of the house from 61 to 63 within thirty minutes. Nice. When I returned to put more wood, the brass handle for the door was cool as a cucumber. Not searing of the flesh tonight! The down side is that every time I do need to throw another log on the fire, I have to move the fan and point it away from the fire-box or a plume of smoke is blown out from the over-pressure. One of these days, I'll actually get down to wiring a real circulation fan system to augment or replace the current setup. With that note, it got darned cold last night. It was 55 degrees F when I got up this morning to let the dogs out. That was at 0615. I think it got down to 31 outside. The rest of the week looks like it will do the same. I might have to turn on the heater. For the sake of the kids, of course. Not much else to say. Got to work at 0730. Traffic was thick, but fast moving. I feel my unreasonable irritation at other opportunistic motorists swirling about the back of my mind ... gotta remain calm. That kinda stuff will eat you up if you let it. For some reason, I see the same plain-wrapper police car one the east-bound lanes in the morning. He always has somebody in pulled over. Must be his first kill of the day before he heads over to Starbucks at Plymouth Meeting.

Oh, btw ... tomorrow is Veteran's Day. Give a big 'Thanx' to your protectors, past and present.


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