White Lightning Axiom: Redux: Rise of Hate

Monday, June 07, 2004


Rise of Hate

It has got to make you wonder what people think about when they propose that a major segment of the population should be exterminated based solely on some misguided generalizations:

No U.S. president, I expect, will ever appoint a Secretary of the Imagination. But if such a cabinet post ever were created, and Richard Foreman weren't immediately appointed to it, you'd know that the Republicans were in power. Republicans don't believe in the imagination, partly because so few of them have one, but mostly because it gets in the way of their chosen work, which is to destroy the human race and the planet. Human beings, who have imaginations, can see a recipe for disaster in the making; Republicans, whose goal in life is to profit from disaster and who don't give a hoot about human beings, either can't or won't. Which is why I personally think they should be exterminated before they cause any more harm.

Michael Feingold!? You would think he would know better.


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